- To (try to) be flexible. Life does not give two craps about your plans, and there’s nothing we can do about that. I’d venture to say we’ve all had our plans changed / canceled / obliterated recently, and it sucks. I’m trying (key word here) to be more flexible and focus on being thankful for what I have during this weird time, rather than focus on the canceled plans and how VASTLY different this year looks from my expectations.
- That reading a good book in the sunshine fixes just about anything. I’ve been reading more than ever recently, and have discovered some great new authors. It’s almost like a mini vacation, and we take those wherever we can get them these days, am I right?
- I like lifting weights??? Beyond that, that I’ve discovered something new that works for me. And beyond that, that I should always keep an open mind to new things, because my new favorite thing might be just around the corner.
- To focus more on the little joys. When I look back on this year, a lot of things will stand out, but I think I will remember the slowness, the walks, the front porch coffee dates, the afternoons at the pool with Jack. I want to focus on those.
- That even though the world feels frozen right now, we’re all still moving forward. There’s lots of learning, growing, and progress happening, whether it feels like it or not.
PS: A fun thing that I did today is post a story template about this on instagram, except I left out the word “taught”. . .so I posted and then reposted stories all day that said, “What June Me.” It’s fine! Everything is fine. Basically a peek into the kind of month I’m having.
What about you? What did June teach you?
Love these lessons (and that shirt!!). I’m reallllyyyyy struggling with month number 9039823 of cancelled plans and semi-isolation, but am trying so dang hard to focus on the little joys! 🙂
That shirt is everything. Reading has been the escape I needed during this time.
Definitely been reading a lot over here! I am with you, focusing on little joys and weight lifting! Love it!
#5 hits the nail on the head. I think I need to unthaw myself and get moving on what I need to accomplish!!
lol I had to laugh at the what june me – i feel like it just fits right now. yay weights! i am definitely trying to be flexible and patient, not things i’m good at. i also really, really, really need to focus on little joys. it helps.
Thank you for being a constant ray of sunshine.
Didn’t even notice you omitted “taught” until you pointed it out. Lol
Your no. 5 is so true… It’s weird to think we’re still moving when the world feels paused. But you’re right!
Girl, yes. All of the yes. And it’s caught me off guard a few times so far with how everything still moves forward despite the frozenness.