Pep Talk: Be Proud of The Small Stuff.

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  1. Julie Hood says:

    HAHAH omg picturing Jack chanting no school, so funny and SO REAL. I asked Aiden how his first day of preschool went, and he was like “not good!” (but then he DID proceed to tell me about fingerpainting and line-leading and tricycles, so like clearly if he starts the no school chant, I should feel ok about still dropping him off? HAHA).

    Anyway, love this and all the practical-steps motivation you give!

    • Chelsea Jacobs says:

      He chanted it alllll the way there, and then continued to chant it to his teacher. it’s fine.

  2. Laurie says:

    Hey getting the kids off to school is totally a huge thing! It’s no joke! All these little things adding up to life in general!

  3. Audrey says:

    Gosh, yes. My to do list before a trip EXPLODES and I always feel like I get nothing done… but last night I did (most of) the dishes and a few loads of laundry and I cleaned a bathroom. Which was only a small fraction of my list but WHATEVER. It’s done. Lol

  4. Anthea says:

    Thank you for the reminder! Sometimes I feel like I HAVE to tick everything off my to-do list and when I don’t I get despondent.
    But being proud of the small everyday things is such a good idea. Also it stops me having that ‘all or nothing’ way of thinking and makes achieving balance so much easier.

    • Chelsea Jacobs says:

      Gahh same girl. I can get 84 things done and if I had 85 on my list, I feel like crap. We’ve gotta celebrate the little stuff!!

  5. Julie says:

    Yesss! The small stuff totally counts, but dang, thank you for that reminder!! I’ve been wallowing for not having achieved the big stuff that I’ve forgotten I’m still functioning… But for reals though… Love the new look, friend!

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