What. A. Week.
One that I am not sad to say goodbye to.
It feels weird to just be going back to normal life today after all this that craziness, but I’m so glad to be able to do so. I don’t have to tell you about the level of destruction this storm caused in some areas, so I know I’m incredibly lucky that being without power for a few days was all that happened to my house.
I do want to say this: The number of friends who checked on me-before, during, and after the storm-seriously blew me away. One reason being that a lot of them were blog friends, people I haven’t had the chance to meet face to face, but who checked in and offered their prayers just the same. It warmed my heart and honestly made me a little emotional. How easy it is to be there for each other in this age of technology, but how very much it means. It was a serious bright spot.
And now, back to it. Back to work and the probably eight-thousand things I’m sure I fell behind on, but doing so with a really thankful heart. Thankful that my people are safe, thankful my house is standing, and thankful for the AC and hot water I finally got back.
Life is good.
Still pissed at you though, Irma.
Florida friends: You doing okay?!