The biggest event this month was the hurricane. Gainesville ended up being fine-not even a bad storm! But my little bub helped me prepare just in case.
Pretty sure that Gatsby might think he’s a cat. His favorite place is perched balancing on the top of the couch.
Jack’s new favorite activity: Crawling all over the house and ripping the doorstoppers off the wall. PS: I know they are a choking hazard. I took them away from him after I took the picture. DON’T YELL AT ME.
He may be nine months old, but he still gives those sweet little newborn snuggles when he’s tired. I’ll cherish them forever and ever.
My Bible study girls and our baby boys!
Always standing now. A l w a y s. Send coffee. Lots and lots of coffee.
Days off are a treat.
We went to Cracker Barrel (because fried okra, duh) and then sat in the white rocking chairs and played a very intense game of checkers. I won’t tell you who won but OKAY fine it wasn’t me.
Days off are our favorite, but getting to meet Chris at the hospital for lunch is our second favorite.
This is so blurry because it’s a screenshot from a video, but I had to include it…it was his face when he realized he could stand up on his own with his new toy and it cracks me up every time.
October, you’ve been a beautiful one.