& celebrate all the good

A place we can be real about the hard stuff

Welcome to the Blog

I can’t do everything. If you read my blog last month, you saw that July taught me that I can do hard things. I find it funny, then, that what I learned in August was that I can’t do everything.  I can do anything I set my mind to. I know this. I can grow my blog. […]

What I'm Learning

What August Taught Me.

A little look at life in August through snapshots that never quite made it to the blog.  First things first: I colored my hair pink on a whim. I need an hour to decide where I want to eat lunch, but big decisions like this? Nah, better not think about it, let’s just do it.  […]


From the Cutting Room Floor: August.

Stranger Things and Back to School Mantras.

The first time I saw this saying, it was on a t-shirt. Just seeing it made me tear up, because it just felt so perfect for what I was feeling at the time. I bought it and declared it my new favorite. Of course, it was from Forever 21, so I think I wore it […]


Your Daydream is a Part of You. Don’t Give That Up.

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