I Want to be Like Her.

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  1. That's such a wonderful story šŸ™‚ I want to be like that woman, too. I bet she's an incredible, giving, warm soul. How absolutely amazing of her!

  2. This is so amazing! We can all learn something from her. What a great lesson!

  3. Klein Dot Co says:

    Love this story! Happy Friday šŸ™‚

  4. That's such a sweet story! People like her are the best kind šŸ™‚

  5. I absolutely love this story and I definitely agree that the world would be such a better place if everyone were as selfless as that lovely woman. Thank you for the reminder that there is so much good out there even when there are so many terrible things going on in the world!


  6. Kathleen says:

    What a sweet heart she has. I have been trying to find a church that I'm comfortable in for while now and I haven't found the right fit yet. Hope y'all find yours soon! šŸ™‚

  7. I have tears in my eyes, wow…incredibly sweet. So much good still left in this world of ours!

  8. I loved reading this story! I'd love to see the necklace! šŸ™‚ I hope you find your church soon. It sounds like that one has a few pros to it!

  9. This is a great story. What a nice woman, and definitely someone we should all aspire to be like!

  10. What a feel-good story! Definitely need more people like her in this world!

  11. Elle Sees says:

    Excellent sentiment, and surely needed after the sadness of this week. It's good to know there are still people like that in this world! Have a great weekend!

  12. I love this story. I wonder if she felt led by The Holy Spirit to do that? That was really kind of her.

    Trying out new churches is hard, I've been there and done that several times. I hope you find a great church soon.

  13. That is such a sweet thing to do! What a wonderful lady and maybe it's a sign you found your new church.

  14. Gina Salberg says:

    This is beautiful. What a wonderful reminder to be more like Jesus- and to be KIND! Xoxox

  15. Love this! Such a small thing that goes such a long way. I think we could all do to be a little more like her. Happy Friday, friend.

  16. what a sweet lady! i am definitely not that kind or giving. we could all be a little kinder i think.

  17. This makes my heart so happy – I want to be like her, too!

  18. Crisp Snaps says:

    That's so sweet!! I hope you can find a church that feels like home soon!

  19. Robyn B says:

    This is just amazing! <3

  20. Wow! That was really nice of her. Thanks for sharing that story with us šŸ™‚

  21. Whoa!!! That's true generosity. I'm challenged by her!!

  22. Sarah Tucker says:

    this was so nice to read on a day like today!

  23. Allison says:

    Wow. That is true selflessness. What an amazing example of love lived out. Thanks for sharing.

  24. Kenzie Smith says:

    That lady sounds positively wonderful ā™„ We need more people like her. I need to be more like her!

  25. I hate trying new churches for the same reason you mentioned (though it's worth it when we find the right one!). Love the story of the lady. I definitely need to be more like her!

  26. I loved this story! Thank you for sharing. I think we can all gain something from just being a little kinder. Great reminder šŸ™‚

  27. Danielle says:

    Wow, what a superwoman! That must have really touched you! Love moments like that.

  28. Crystal says:

    What a great story! I want to be like her too. šŸ™‚

  29. CHELSEA. You are kidding me!!! Oh my gosh, that's so inspiring and "resetting" (if that makes sense) and just brings me happiness. Thank you for sharing!!

  30. Carrie says:

    gosh, this story makes my heart happy. šŸ™‚

  31. What a wonderful story! Doesn't it make your heart happy to know that there ARE some wonderful people out there in this scary world?! It certainly makes you want to go out and do a good deed for someone else doesn't it? šŸ™‚

  32. Leah Van Ert says:

    Thanks for sharing this story, Chelsea. What a great example of Christ that woman is!

  33. fallondanae says:

    This is so beautiful!! What a great story of humility and giving in a selfish world. Also, good luck church hunting! I relate to the introversion, girl. Praying for a quick and perfect find!

  34. fallondanae says:

    This is so beautiful!! What a great story of humility and giving in a selfish world. Also, good luck church hunting! I relate to the introversion, girl. Praying for a quick and perfect find!

  35. Amy says:

    Oh, how sweet! I want to be like her, too!

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