Make Your Life Your Happy Place.

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  1. Your coffee and wine bar is too cute! My happy place actually came about because we ran out of cupboard space for all of my tea mugs haha, so my mom painted a small white shelf that is now in my dining room with all of my mugs on display =)

  2. I love little things like that that just bring extra happy to your space/life! It's amazing how little things like that really do make you happy every time you see them πŸ™‚

  3. I really, really love this picture. Yellow is my favorite color so those two piece of furniture make me happy, too!
    My husband built me a wine bar and he built me a mug rack to display my mugs. I love love love walking into the kitchen and see those things because I love what they hold and I love the man who man them with me in mind πŸ™‚

  4. Oh my gosh your coffee bar is sooo cute, I love it too! I also have the same mentality, I try to make my home and surroundings a "happy place", and it really is worth the positive impact it can have on your day to day mood.

  5. Nadine Lynn says:

    WHat a fun color for a coffee bar!!! That sure would brighten up my day too! Plus, I love the wine rack you have above it. So sweet of him to stain it for you to match. I am working on a gallery wall for my living room to be my happy place.

  6. LOVE love love love. the coffee/wine bar AND the post. My bff and I were just chatting about how we habitually choose to focus on the happier aspects of our lives rather than dwell on anything negative for too long!

  7. I love this so much! I'm always doing little things around our house that create happy vibes – my husband thought I was crazy at first, but now he openly admits that the little changes really do make a difference in the atmosphere – aka HAPPY PLACES πŸ™‚

  8. I love the whole concept behind this post. Especially in a house, you should fill it with things that make you happy even if they don't make sense to other people! That's what makes it a home. πŸ™‚

  9. This makes me want to create a coffee bar right now! I'm about to redecorate pretty much my entire house and will be keeping all of this in mind =)

  10. LOVE this post and love the space Christopher created for you. What could be happier than a place in your home for both coffee and wine time? The color is perfect for bringing daily cheer into your life <3
    Green Fashionista

  11. I love your coffee bar. I try to do things around my home that make me happy too…like my Easter tree, my bar cart, my coffee corner…life should be nothing short of happy!

  12. This is such a great post! I love that you painted your coffee bar yellow πŸ™‚ I think I need one of these in my life. After all, coffee makes me extremely happy!!

  13. Love it, so cute! Your husband really is great, how sweet of him! Definitely agree with your philosophy here, girl!

  14. I have a bar cart that I'm thinking of turning into a coffee bar instead… I love yours so now I'm feeling especially inspired to do more with it. The yellow is so pretty and cheerful looking!

  15. nelle monaco says:

    i love your coffee bar- and have the white and black striped mug! so cute

  16. Megan says:

    Coffee & wine bar? What an awesome idea! Plus, I love the idea of having a "happy place". I definitely need to incorporate something like that into our future house (it's too hard to do that in a tiny apartment). I try to do this at work since I work in a cubicle. It can be kind of draining & negative at times so I add some cheery decorations or a funky background on my computer to try to brighten things up!

  17. Courtney says:

    Painting a wine rack yellow to match! What a genius. Both of those things make me crazy happy!

  18. How cute! I love the bright yellow. We have yellow curtains in our room and they are very cheery.

  19. Taylor says:

    My happy place is my corner of plants and I totally agree with you. Having something or a place indoor home where you can look and smile makes a difference on those not so great days.

  20. Missy says:

    This is too cute! My current happy place is my wine bar as well but I am moving soon and can't wait to create a new one!

  21. Crisp Snaps says:

    I'm totally in love with that yellow coffee & wine bar!!!! We're moving soon and I hope to create a little happy coffee place.

  22. Elle Sees says:

    I think it's pretty dang adorable.

  23. love this! it took me a long time to realise that everything in my life should make me happy, not just the big things. i look over at certain things in my house and they make me smile just as much as travel – which used to be my only real source of happiness, as weird as it sounds. anyway. love the matching wine rack and coffee bar! so cute.

  24. Kait says:

    It's so funny you posted the coffee bar/wine car/bar cart debate here, because we are in the same boat! I love how happy that area is — even just looking at the photo, I smiled! I agree, you need to make all aspects of your life happy. I loved this post Chelsea πŸ™‚

  25. Michelle says:

    Love. Even though we're still renting, I've been trying to do the exact same thing. No use not loving where you live!

  26. Gina Salberg says:

    This is PERFECT! So… we did a coffee station in our kitchen several months ago (I think I posted about it in April) and it is seriously my happy place. Sometimes I just smile in that general direction…. haha! Love yours!

  27. Perfect! I love the yellow. That is the sweetest thing that he stained the wine holder πŸ™‚

  28. This looks awesome! It's awesome to find such a bright and positive blog. Loved it ans I'm following β™₯

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  29. I LOVE this and want it in my house immediately, if not sooner!

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