Oh wow, that’s a hard one. I guess I’ll go corny with my answer and say “Winnderful”
Harry Potter, I totally count all of them as one movie.
This year I’ve learned to pay attention to the little things and embrace a life focused on less while letting go of the glorification of busy. After spending the previous year wedding planning, moving, and doing anything and everything I was even slightly interested in, I’ve finally come to a point where I can enjoy the things that truly inspire me/give me joy and not consume myself with the things I feel I should do or am pressured to do. I think realizing the being busy doesn’t equal being successful or winning at life is what has helped me make the biggest changes this past year.
Anything is possible with a little bit of nerve.
I think my favorite blog post is “What I Would Tell My College Freshman Self.” It was such a great exercise to look back on my years of college with older more experienced eyes. I wouldn’t change a thing I did in college and I can now see how every moment and every struggle made me into the person I am today. I can see how those seemingly insignificant decisions led me to meeting my now husband. I can remember the moments that truly tested and shaped the character I have today. I even feel and still experience the fear and uncertainty I felt as a newbie freshman and even at a season senior. It was very rewarding for me to reflect and write down the thoughts I would share with my old self. Obviously I can’t go back in time to share it with myself, but it was almost just as effective to remind myself now that I persevered at 18, so I know I will now at 26.
Can we just talk about how cute Katie’s picture is?! The yellow suspenders, the flower crown, so much happiness in one picture…I knew we were going to be friends the second I saw that picture.
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