I hate excessively long blog posts, so I’m splitting this one into two…even though part one is already pretty long. Bear with me!
Technically 3 years, but I didn’t spend three years writing a book. The week before I moved away to college, I had this idea pop in my head that I thought would make a really good book ending, so I wrote it down. After that, I pretty much wrote a few pages here and there whenever I had time. When I was overwhelmed with all the technical writing that comes along with college, I would take a break and write a few pages of my book. I wrote more over school breaks, and I got serious about finishing in January of 2013, right after we got back from our honeymoon.
No. First of all, because if I hear about or see a book I want to read, I don’t first think, “Wait, it was independently published? Guess I won’t be reading that one.” Secondly, I don’t think that independent publishing has the stigma that it used to. Author’s aren’t choosing it as a last resort, they’re choosing it because it fits their needs the best. I actually received a few offers of representation by traditional literary agents, but I still chose to independently publish. Why? Because I knew it was the right thing for me.

This is an excellent question. I guess I’m afraid of the fact that as of next Monday, it will be “open season” on my book. Anyone at all can read it. They can say anything they want to about it, and that scares me. This is something I have truly poured myself into over the past three years, and to know there are going to be mean things said about it is terrifying. I’m a very private person, and only a handful of people have read this story, so it’s intimidating to know strangers might hate my book! On the opposite side of that, I’m elated for the day that I get to hear of someone reading my book and enjoying it.
Oh, and I’m afraid of the first error that I know I will find once it’s printed. It happens.
I’m not sure! I haven’t seen a report yet since it’s still in the pre-order phase.
“Do you want to know what not living is, Avery? It’s spending all of your time and energy trying to solve things that can’t be solved, and even if they could, it wouldn’t help or have the outcome that we want. . .Why did your mom die? Why are you here? What’s the meaning of life? And will we ever really know? No, probably not. And so we have nights like last night. We sit and watch the stars and bear our hearts to each other, because that’s what we can do.”
Check back on Thursday for more quotes!
If you have any other questions, feel free to leave them here! I’ll be back tomorrow to answer the rest of them!
This is all very interesting information, even for a non book writer like me. I just love being knowledgeable! š
Love the quote, looking forward to the whole book. Thanks for the insight from someone who has walked the walk.
Love your answers to these questions!
Wonderful questions and answers. Yes, I also do not question the publishing background of a book! Ha! The book cover is stunning by the way.
Thank you so much for answering all these questions! I'm so proud of you! I bet your book is going to be amazing! š
Loved reading all of these! So excited for your book to be released– such a huge accomplishment! š
Love that quote!! The whole process sounds terrifying and thrilling all at the same time.
Great quote from the book. Such an amazing but I am sure nerve wracking time too.
Amazing tips and congrats on having your book published!
So informative, I love it. It's really nice to see some positive feedback on independent publishing! Thanks for that.
This is so wonderful! thank you for sharing your insight. Writing a book always seemed like such an enormous undertaking. Nice to know that chipping away at it still gets it accomplished.
Congratulations on publishing your book! You are such an inspiration and I admire you for going after your dreams. I have loved reading your blog, thank you for being such a great example of optimism and ingenuity.
I love this so much. My sister in law is independently publishing her book in a couple of months and I respect all the hard work she has done with it, I know it's not easy! I have a half finished novel languishing in my computer as well, but find my blog satisfies my basic writing needs (for now.) You're my HERO;)
I still think it's just so incredible you finished a book! Such respect!
I honestly have never even considered who the publisher for a book was before reading it. That has never even crossed my mind. So I think finding one that fit your needs was definitely the right choice! š