Magic moments.

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  1. Abbey says:

    Love this. Love that quote.

  2. julia rose. says:

    This is such a wonderful reminder to simply enjoy life, right now, every moment!

  3. You're so right about this. This is how I feel a lot of the time too.

  4. Miranda says:

    Well said. Remembering this alone makes one a much happier person. 🙂

  5. CeCe says:

    Perfect post! It's so true. Life is made up of a lot of wonderful little moments and they are just as important as the big ones.

  6. Meggs says:

    It's all about living in the now…which is always a challenge in our future-based mode of living. I do the same – am always contemplating a time when things will be bigger, better, when, as you say, THAT moment has arrived.

    But right now, this VERY second, is the only moment we ever have, and it's something worth being grateful for. 🙂


  7. Sometimes I believe you're inside my head and jotting down my thoughts.

  8. Diane T says:

    Thank you for this post. I have been waiting for a big moment for over a year and a half now and honestly I am worn out and bitter. I am starting to wonder if it will ever come and what that means. Does it mean I am a lesser person? Does it mean I am searching and waiting for the wrong thing? Maybe I do need to slow down, see the good in each day and moment before it passes me by.

    ~Diane at

  9. Erica D says:

    Thanks for stopping by my blog and commenting. Your photo (the profile photo in the wedding dress) is lovely! I love to write as well, I started writing a fictional novel and got about 240 pages in before life took over and it took a seat on the back burner. I would love to finish it and get it out in the world someday. I guess we share the same passion. Whenever I am down or stressed I write, write, write. It is so therapeutic.

  10. This is absolutely inspiring! I love love love your posts.

  11. Midwest Muse says:

    As a budding writer myself I truly identify with this and your whole blog (that I've read) is so well done and lovely. So glad I found you!

  12. Hannah says:

    This is so true, celebrating the 'everyday' is something I've been thinking about a lot recently. Thanks for visiting my blog!

  13. kristyn says:

    love this, and the quote. it's true, in our efforts to reach those big moments, we sometimes forget about the little ones. but the little ones add up 🙂

  14. Anonymous says:

    This post is so beautiful! I'm guilty of the same thing. There's so much about life to love!

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