Life lessons.

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  1. You have a wise papa!

  2. Your father sounds wonderful, and I am fortunate to say that he sounds a lot like my own. Thank goodness for wonderful Daddies.
    Such wonderful lessons he taught you and thank you for passing them on :o)

  3. CeCe says:

    The world is run by tired people! I love that. I want to write a book too. Working on it. I think it's great that you are so close with your dad. Sounds like he's got a lot of great things to say.

  4. Rebekah says:

    This was so beautifully written. I loved it.
    I forget that I'm not the only tired person, sometimes, so it's nice to be reminded of that.

  5. I hear you on the married and not being with family thing. It's tough. How dare they keep having fun without me! šŸ™‚ Happy birthday to your dad! He sounds awesome.

  6. Megan says:

    Your dad sounds like such a great man. Happy Birthday to him!

  7. Wow this was so inspiring. Now you can tell your dad he made a difference in another person's life, although I'm sure he has impacted many more! Thanks for writing this. I've been anxious about going back to school because of some very unkind people, but this gave me some perspective. I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me!

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