& celebrate all the good

A place we can be real about the hard stuff

Welcome to the Blog

how pretty is this? Happy Friday!  Here’s to a weekend full of creativity and relaxation.  A few of my favorite blogs this week: Top Not Mom’s blog always has the most delicious looking recipes, but I think these may be my favorite so far.  Cheesecake and  cupcakes?  Is this even real?? Erin wrote a really sweet blog about things […]



Congrats to Eliza E. who won the giveaway!  You are never too young you are never too old to set a goal for your life to make that your dream and to chase it relentlessly. That passion that you feel when you think of what you want to accomplish with your life? Savor it. Grab […]


Chase it.

I believe in a second cup of coffee. and sometimes a third. I believe in having a marriage that is an epic adventure of two best friends, even if sometimes the only adventure is sitting next to each other getting work done. I believe in making crafts and being girly. I believe in standing up […]


Things I believe in this week.

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