a year.

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  1. Hey there! Here from the Blog Hop! Just wanted to let you know I'm following you via GFC! Hope you'll get a chance to visit me :o) You can find me here:

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  2. Rachel says:

    My first year out of college was a roller coaster. I felt like I did a lot (finally got my first big girl job), but at the same time I'm so far behind others' successes. I've realized that we all go at our own pace and that some of us are meant to take years to get to the point we want. Great piece!

  3. Anonymous says:

    I love this! Every year I always say, I've done so much in a year but looking back over it, all of the things I wanted to accomplish are still in the table.

  4. Epic Thread says:

    This is a great post! I'm feeling like this lately. I feel like I've been wasting a lot of time lately and I need to start taking advantage of my time better.


  5. Helene says:

    sounds to me like you have done so many wonderful things! we never really know where life will lead us I guess. great post!!
    Helene in Between

  6. Hi,
    New follower from the blog hop please come follow me back 🙂

  7. Hi I just found your blog and I am so glad I did!
    Your blog is so amazing and I love this post! I love looking back every year to see all of the wonderful things that have happened in my life.
    I just followed your blog and would appreciate if you could do the same back!
    have a great day!

    The Green Raybans
    Twitter: Green_Raybans98
    Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/pages/The-Green-Raybans/

  8. I often look back on past years with a little regret because of the things I did not do. In fact, I wrote a post about it. Two, actually. The thing I always have to remind myself of when I get stuck in that little rut, is that it's in the past and all I can do about it now is learn from it and make some changes for my future. Never pass up an opportunity just because you're afraid it won't turn out or you'll look stupid or "like one of THOSE moms," etc. etc. Be willing to try new things, and don't think about the past too much!

    Thanks for the post!

    Sue // Chevron & Lace

  9. Nice post. It's great to have goals, but remember to give yourself adequate timelines for those goals. I like to make goals in the 1 Year, 5 year, and 10 Year range… Make the 10 year goal first, then that helps to see what you need to do in the years before. It takes way longer than a year to write a book! (Not that I know from personal experience, but I know a lot of peeps that have and it's a multiple year process. Keep rockin' the rest of your life and congrats on your one year grad anniversary! : )

  10. Amanda says:

    I linked over from another blog because the name of your blog caught my eye. I am a freelance editor, and so whenever I see the word "write," I get excited. I will say that if you ever do start on the publishing road, let me know! I would love to edit your book or even just read it through as a second eye to give you a fresh opinion on it. That's what I do, and it's what I love. Right now I'm still trying to figure things out, and I've been out of college for almost 5 years! Oh man. It makes me feel better to know that someone else worries about life passing them by while they're sitting around. Although I'm sure you have done nothing of the sort. Glad to have found your blog. I'll be following along to see what happens this year! P.S. Your blog design is lovely 🙂

  11. Kathy Rupff says:

    Hi Chelsea, Congratulations on your one year wedding anniversary! I saw your beautiful wedding portrait on the MBT website and hopped over here! I really appreciate your honesty. I recently (OK, almost 6 years ago now) got married, and I can tell you that first year really flew! All those major changes (even good ones) can be very stressful. It sounds like you have a wonderful support system, and you're going to be fine. I love your blog, your site is sooooo pretty, so are you!! Blessings to you and thanks so much for sharing your thoughts– it's very well written!!

  12. Ashley says:

    Hi lovely! I nominated your blog for the One Lovely Blogger Award 🙂

    Click here to copy and paste the award on your page!: http://lifeofahousewife.com/?p=466

  13. Thank you for writing this. In a few days, it will be a year since I graduated from college and I have some of the same thoughts about the things I didn't do. But I'm also patting myself on the back for all of the things I did do. It's been the hardest year of my life…from graduating, to getting married, to moving to a different part of the country, to my parents getting divorced, to starting graduate school. I'm really just glad that I survived and that these life transitions are nearing some kind of closure with this year marker. God bless you in this next year as you do the hard work of going after your dreams.

  14. Belle Vierge says:

    I feel like traveling, getting married, and moving are pretty big accomplishments. 🙂 I haven't done anything I first thought I'd do after graduating, but my life has been even better than I could have imagined. No husband, no kids, but I did work in France for two years… I'm doing okay, and so are you! Dreams take time & hard work to achieve, and sometimes it's okay for us to fulfill a few other dreams along the way.

  15. Katie Foster says:

    Oh goodness girl I'm in the same boat. I just graduated in December, but I already feel the pressure. Success isn't coming easily to me the way it seems to come to others. It's frustrating. Nice to see someone relates.

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