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Hi, I'm Chelsea! I’m on a mission to help you find joy and goodness in every day.
On this blog we talk about the big things (like chasing dreams) and the small things (like what books we're reading) because happiness comes in all sizes.
“What kind of life to you want to be able to reflect on when you are facing death?”
This {sort of morbid} question was posed by the pastor at the church we visited tonight.
And while it’s uncomfortable to think about, it’s also amazingly inspiring.
I’m turning twenty-one this weekend, and there’s nothing like starting a new year to make you reflect.
On what I want to do.
On what I want to be.
On who I want to be.
And, after tonight, what sort of life I want to be able to reflect on when I am facing death.
So. What sort of life do you want to be able to reflect on when you are facing death?
Uncomfortable, yes. But also extremely freeing.
Because you are the one who gets to decide the answer to that question. You are the one who determines what your legacy will be. You are the one who decides what people will remember your life for. What type of mark you will leave on the world.
So what will it be, then?
There are so many choices to make and things to do and so many experiences to have. I hope you make wonderful choices that lead you great places, that you do amazing things, and that you have incredible experiences.
But at the end of the day, if it isn’t ultimately all for God . . . then man, you guys. It wasn’t worth anything.
“I am the master of my fate. I am the captain of my soul.” -W. E. Henley
These words have been replaying over in my mind today.
Yes, I believe that God has an amazing plan for my life. For your life.
But He has placed the pen that will write the legacy we have in our hands.
What a huge responsibility.
What an incredible gift.
I hope that today you will reflect on what type of life you want to be able to one day look back on. I hope that you will then decide to start living that life, right this very second.
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um, yes, hi. i seriously needed to read this right now. in this moment. you're amazing, and this is awesome. and God's awesome. and i have lots to tell you. so i miss you.